Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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It is very meta to write about a public discussion of the role that writing about art has had on the development of art, but here we are with Contemporary Art Journalism Then & Now on Thursday, April 25 at 7pm at 516 ARTS (516 Central SW). As part of the exhibit In Our Own Backyard, 516 ARTS continues to reflect on the evolution and dissemination of contemporary art in Albuquerque from the 1980s to the present. Lauren Tresp, publisher of The Magazine Santa Fe, and Bill Peterson, former publisher of Artspace Magazine, will join moderator Jordan Eddy, director of Santa Fe’s Form & Concept in an examination of where art journalism was, and where it is going. This all-ages event is free and open to the public. For more information see
Cuts are being made at the Burque Revolt Poetry Slam Battle this Friday, April 26 from 7pm to 9pm at the South Broadway Cultural Center (1025 Broadway Blvd SE). Hosted by former Albuquerque Poet Laureate Jessica Helen Lopez, five poets will emerge out of a pack of twelve to constitute the Burque Revolt Slam Team by evening’s end. While this event is for all-ages and open to the public, it is not open to rhetoric that is homophobic, racist, classist or sexist. People who smell strongly of perfumes, essential oils, scented detergents or body products are also discouraged from attending so that people with chemical sensitivities can have things a little easier. Clean up your mind, clean up your body, then get on down to the Burque Revolt Poetry Slam Battle. Tickets are $10 (kids 12 and under are free). For more information see
Teenage photographer Henry Hammel presents his photography of Albuquerque’s Open Space lands in a new show titled Hiding in the Open this Saturday, April 27 from 2pm to 4pm at the City of Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center (6500 Coors Blvd NW). And straight out of Bulldog City, Hammel will be joined by the Albuquerque High School Jazz Combo playing on the back patio. For more information on this free, all-ages event, see
If you know the devil can cite scripture for his purpose but brevity is the soul of wit, then you may be ready to get your bardolatry on at Aux Dog X-Space (3015 Monte Vista Blvd NE) this Sunday, April 28 from 2pm to 5pm. It’s the Shakespeare 505 fourth annual Iambithon and that means it’s time to step up with your sonnets, soliloquies and speeches for an afternoon of speaking Shakespeare, eating birthday cake and listening to the hits of the English renaissance played on period viols by Mary Bruesch and Sarah Manthey. For more information about this free, all-ages Shakespearian birthday event, see Call 596-0607 to schedule a performance slot.