In the proud Albuquerque tradition of people trying to figure out some way to pay for their basic health care needs (that was the MacGuffin of “Breaking Bad”, right?), Kaatje Gotcha is back at it with the Crippled Comedy Tour 2.0 presenting the Wheelchair Fundraiser Comedy Show at Boiler Monkey (600 Central Ave. SW) on Friday, June 14 starting at 6pm. She will be joined on stage by Josh Fournier, Richard Wolfson and Comedian Black Mike, with music by Matthew Kollock. It turns out that the co-pay for a new power wheelchair is $2,770 so dig deep and pony up at least the $5 to $10 suggested donation for this mature audience event that features beer specials, raffles and plenty of jokes about not having the wheelchair that you need. For more information, see
Found Objects Have A He(Art)
If you like group art exhibits where people have names like Bearface, Omen, Sophia Sanchez, Bonny, Christopher Erickson, Nocturn, Garret Jones, Sumo, Acrid Apple and Joseph Lucero, then you are going to like the group show happening on Friday, June 14 from 6pm to 9pm at the Southwest University of Visual Arts (5000 Marble Ave. NE). He(art)s of Colour promises “a collection of work ranging from abstract to New Mexican street art.” For more information on free this all-ages event, see
Found Objects Buggin’
Albuquerque’s Open Space is full of bugs, as is your backyard and possibly even your home or riparian van. Entomologist and photographer Dave Melius has photographed many of these indomitable invertebrates and will be displaying his work at an opening reception for Insects of Open Space on Saturday, June 15 at 4pm. For more information about this free, all-ages event, see
Found Objects Hats Off To Dad
Photo by Clarke Condé.
What could be a better Father’s Day than having your kids draw all over a trucker hat and then wearing it around Meow Wolf all day? Fathers New Mexico has put together just such an opportunity for dad and all the kids this Sunday, June 16 at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe from 10am to 2pm. There will be a limited number of commemorative hats you and yours can color in the Meow Wolf Learning Center, so get your special $40 tickets early. Part of the proceeds from this event support the efforts of Fathers New Mexico, but all of the efforts of Fathers New Mexico support the fathers of New Mexico. For more information and tickets for this all-ages event, see