Among the maligned hoofed ungulates, goats and sheep have taken more than their fair share of abuse. From Biblical associations with cloven-hooved fallen angels to slanderous stories of forbidden love in the barnyard, goats and sheep have seen little respect in the world of art. Goats and Sheep: A Portrait Farm is an exception. As a photographer, Kevin Horan sees it this way—"Goats and sheep have served us from the earliest of times. They have walked the world with us. By paying attention, we honor the musings of the sheep and the jests of the goats. And so these pictures make a kind of meditation on our earthly brother- and sisterhood. When we draw a sharp line dividing humans from the rest of life, we make the world a smaller place – for ourselves. Why on earth would we want to do that?” See his black and white portraits of goats and sheep at the opening reception for the solo show Goats and Sheep: A Portrait Farm on Friday, July 26 at Photo-eye Bookstore Project Space (1300 Rufina Cir. Ste. A3, Santa Fe). For more information on this free, all-ages event, see
Found Objects She’ll Be Comin’ Round The Mountain
Be one of the many that go out to meet her at Paula Castillo’s opening reception for THAT MOUNTAIN OVER THERE (NOW I SEE HER) on Friday, July 26 from 5pm to 7pm at galleryFRITZ (540 S. Guadalupe St., Santa Fe). Metal work inspired by Castillo’s revisioning of Lardón Peak is on display at this solo show from this Belen native. For more information on this free, all-ages event, see
Found Objects Cat Chat
Photo by Clarke Condé
Find out plenty about tigers at the ABQ BioPark’s (903 Tenth Street SW) International Tiger Day on Monday, July 29 from 10am to 2pm. Highlights include making your own tiger mask and learning that there are only 3,000 tigers left in the wild, but the best part has got to be the 11am tiger keeper chat. Bring questions and a feline attitude to this all-ages event which is included with your admission. For more information, see