Since Anna Sofaer’s rediscovery of the “Sun Dagger” in Chaco Canyon in 1977, our understanding of the civilization that flourished in New Mexico a millennium ago has only deepened. Join Sofaer, along with her colleagues Richard Friedman and Robert Weiner, as they present the latest findings from Chaco in Revealing Untold Stories of Chaco Canyon: Archaeocosmologyon Thursday, Dec. 12 at 6:30pm at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science (1801 Mountain Rd. NW). Tickets are $8 for non-museum members, $7 for members and $5 for students. For more information and tickets to this all-ages event, see
Found Objects Hark! The Herald Poets Slam
‘Tis the season to pick the MindWell Slam Team of five poets that will go on to represent Albuquerque in the 2020 Southern Fried Poetry Festival in Tampa and the International World Poetry Slam in Dallas. At MindWell’s Grand Damn Slam 2019, 12 poets will take to the stage on Friday, Dec. 13 at 7pm at B. Ruppe Drugs in Barelas (807 Fourth Street SW), but only five will fly off into southern skies to bring the words of Albuquerque to the world. Tickets are $10. For more information and tickets to this all-ages event, see
Found Objects Nearby In A Manger
Courtesy of the Corrales Historical Society
Over 100 nativity scenes fill the Old San Ysidro Church (966 Old Church Rd., Corrales) for Festival of the Nativities on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14 and 15 from 10am to 5pm. The Corrales Historical Society has assembled an awe-inspiring number of crèches from cultures around the world (including a number of hand-carved renditions from New Mexico) for this holiday event that’s sure to include holiday music, hot cocoa and poinsettias. For more information on this free, all-ages event, see
Found Objects The Misfits Of The City Different
The island of misfit toys is evoked in papier-mâché for Rick Phelps Misfit Toy Box opening on Saturday, Dec. 14 with a reception from 1pm to 4pm at Café Pasqual’s Gallery (103 East Water St., Santa Fe). Upcycled paper sculpted into creatures strange and wonderful make this a show that demonstrates the art of the craft. For more information on this free, all-ages event, see
Found Objects Light Dance
Flamenco Works (1010 Coal Ave. SW) presents Luminaria Flamenca, an original piece choreographed by Jesus Munoz and performed by students from the school along with guest artists on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 5:30pm. Tickets are $5 for kids and $10 for adults (in advance), or $15 for adults at the door. For more information and tickets to this all-ages event, see