Found Objects

Getting Meta/Physical

Clarke Conde
3 min read
(Judith Roderick)
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The UNM Department of Theatre and Dance opens their faculty dance concert META/PHYSICAL on Feb. 28 with a performance at 7:30pm in the Rodey Theatre in the Center for the Arts (UNM Main Campus). Artistic Director Donna Jewell features the Miguel Gutierrez piece 12:46 or It’s the End of the World, Amanda Hamp’s M.E.A.D.O.W, Jacqueline M. García’s In the Muddy Bank ((Where We Lay)) about the border crisis, Daniel Doña’s Suite Pre-Flamenca, Predominio by La Popi and the result of a collaboration between Mercedes Ruíz and husband Santiago Lara, La Mirada También Baila. That is a lot of dance. Tickets are $15 for the general public, $12 for seniors and $10 for students. For more information and tickets, see

Found Objects Riparian Relativity

We write a lot about the US/Mexico border in this newspaper. From politicians’ views, to the plight of migrants, to the perspective of artists, the issues involved are fluid and require a great deal of ink to be understood. From the perspective of the artist Jonathan Reeve Price, the Rio Grande is “The Liquid Border.” His mixed-media exhibit The Rio Grande: Wetlands/Borderlands opens Saturday, Feb. 29 at Open Space Visitor Center (6500 Coors Blvd. NW) with a reception from 2pm to 4pm. For more information about this free, all-ages event, see

Found Objects Doublespeak Drama

This isn’t the 1984 of Reagan, yuppies and the horrors of stirrup pants. This is the 1984 where George Orwell describes the future as “a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” This big stage adaption of the dystopian classic is performed by Aquila Theatre at Popejoy Hall (UNM Main Campus) on one afternoon only, Sunday, March 1 at 3pm. Tickets range from $25 to $65 and can be found, along with more information about this all-ages event, at

Found Objects The Cranes Of Placitas

courtesy of the artist
The Placitas artists’ collective Wild Hearts Gallery (221 State Hwy. 165 Ste. B, Placitas) opens fabric artist Judith Roderick’s Variation on the Theme of Cranes on Tuesday, March 3. Roderick’s work is yet another example of how our avian winter visitors continue to inspire. For more information, see

courtesy of the artist

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