Stuck at home not wanting to get ill from human interaction? Why not read a book? Little Free Libraries are outdoors, open 24/7 and we have plenty of them. There are no librarians and no costs whatsoever. Think of them like those “take a penny, leave a penny” jars they used to have at stores. You can take a book, or leave a book—no human interaction required! There are over 100,000 of them worldwide and quite a few right here in Albuquerque. For more information and a list of Little Free Library locations of this free, all-ages resource, see
Found Objects Tamarind Techniques
Odds are you don’t know as much about lithography as you could. Fortunately, Albuquerque’s own Tamarind Institute has five how-to videos ready for viewing online at Narrated by Tamarind Master Printer and Education Director Brandon Gunn, these are a quick way to go behind the scenes at Tamarind and find out a bit more about printing.
Found Objects Relief
Thankfully, relief funds are springing up to help working artists throughout the world who can’t work during this COVID-19 pandemic. One local group has established a fund to help out Albuquerque artists in need. Arts Hubi is providing one-time emergency relief funds of up to $300 per individual and is currently seeking donations. They have partnered with JBIT Tech to match donations made by March 26 of up to $1,000. To find out more, to donate or to apply for relief funds, see
Found Objects Library Resources
A lot of lists are springing up online that aggregate resources, but one not to overlook is the local library. While Albuquerque’s libraries are closed to the public, their online resources are not. Ebooks, as well as movies, music and classes are there for you at their website. There is a shockingly large array of materials available for the homebound, including young children who may be bouncing off the walls. See them all at