Gay Performance Art Hated On By Republicans, Comics Nerds Stay Up All Night

If George Bush Sr. Hated It, It Has To Be Good

John Bear
3 min read
Tim Miller, sued for being gay. Won for being right. (
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Tim Miller. This guy got his National Endowment for the Arts grant taken away under pressure from the first Bush Administration for the subject matter of his work being … wait for it … gay. And he wasn’t alone. There were three other performance artists in the same boat—a lady who talked about sex, a lady who talked about being a lesbian, and an actor who was in the ZZ Top video for “Legs” and a several shows in the “Star Trek” series—I’m not sure what he talked about, but someone didn’t like it. They later got it back after suing the federal government for violating their First Amendment rights (God, I love that amendment).

Miller is coming to UNM’s Rodey Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 30 at 7:30 p.m. to perform his one-man show
Glory Box . Miller has an Australian partner and the show focuses on the struggles he has undergone trying to keep his partner in the United States. Gay folks have to put up with a lot of nonsense these days; the intolerant have pretty much replaced black people with gays and lesbians. And transgender people. And Mexicans. Oh, and Muslims. … OK, and they pretty much still hate black people, too. Anyhow, the show is “recommended for mature audiences only,” according to the press release. That means it’s good. The event is co-presented by Equality New Mexico. Miller will also give a lecture and question-and-answer session from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tickets are $10, $5 for students. Tickets are available at the UNM ticket office (925-5858 or online at Get thee to the theater.

Culture Shock: Comics Nerds: Stay Up All Night, Yet Again Comics Nerds: Stay Up All Night, Yet Again

This year’s 24-Hour Comics Day takes place at the Harwood Art Center (1114 Seventh Street NW) beginning on Oct. 2 at 10 a.m. and terminating the next day, presumably with a lot of cranky comics people. Doors open at 9 a.m. Bring art supplies, a pillow, emergency rations. The idea: Create a comic book in 24 hours with no pre-planning or anything.

The event is presented by 7000 BC, a New Mexico based nonprofit organization dedicated to independent comics. Rules are available at There will be food, coffee and music. People who would rather listen to their Gordon Lightfoot MP3s are asked to bring headphones. The event is open to the children, but they will need to bring a parent to sign a release form. People aren’t required to stay the whole 24. But come on. When the whole ordeal is over, prizes will be handed out and the comics will be entered into a database.

Remember: Taking drugs is cheating. You must let your natural adrenaline reserves do the waking for you. At first it may seem scary, then weepy, then giggly, then more weepy, but the real creativity kicks in after about 14 hours. Your sane side will hate you but your artistic side will be overjoyed. Do it.
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