Live Without A Net

Abigail Blueher
4 min read
Well met, my lad, well met.
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For a city this size, it’s amazing how much theater we have. Almost every weekend offers a fresh new batch of choices. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from or how old you are, theater is for everyone. Even if you don’t like a play, it sparks conversation, thoughts, feelings and a connection with others. Good, bad, funny or sad, every theater experience changes you in one way or another, so get out of the house and see theater this weekend, and the weekend after that, and the one after that, and …

Adobe Theatre
9813 Fourth Street NW
For almost 50 years, the Adobe has opened its arms to theater enthusiasts of all ages and levels of experience. The Adobe is currently presenting
The Exonerated , a play by Jessica Blank and Eric Jensen based on true stories of people wrongly placed on death row.

Albuquerque Civic Light Orchestra
ACLOA has risen from the ashes and is back to perform Broadway musicals and children’s shows at cultural and historical venues around Albuquerque. Ron Perea is leading the organization as it tries to re-create itself on the Albuquerque theater scene.

Albuquerque Little Theater
224 San Pasquale SW
ALT hops into its 77
th year after having gone through quite a bit of upheaval in recent months. Still, it remains the grandpappy of Albuquerque theater venues. It’s also got some sweet seats, possibly the most comfortable in town.

Cell Theatre
700 First Street NW
The Cell is home to Fusion, a professional company that creates some of the best live theater this city has ever seen. They’ll be kicking off a Tennessee Williams festival next month.

Desert Rose Playhouse
6921 Montgomery NE
This theater is the only one blooming up in the far reaches of the Northeast Heights. They’re currently staging a production of
’Night, Mother by Marsha Norman.

Gorilla Tango Comedy Theater
519 Central NW
Comedy is the name of the game at Gorilla Tango, and Gorilla performers are more than capable of keeping a smile on your face. Count on two or three different shows every weekend, from R-rated standup to shows for the wee ones.

4819 Central NE
Although their doors don’t open for the public very often, when they do, make sure not to miss what goes on inside. Performances by the q-Staff company are always original pieces that are intimate, intense, sensual, dream-like and often very, very weird.

Sol Arts
712 Central Ave SE
Sol Arts emphasizes bringing the community together to create and experience visual and performing arts and to celebrate and nourish imaginations and diversity. It hasn’t been around long, but it’s already made a huge mark on the local theater scene. Sol Arts is currently staging a production of Sean Owen’s
Tincture .

Tricklock Company is an internationally recognized professional touring ensemble that creates highly physical original performances and stages the best in newly published plays. Tricklock is well-known for leaning toward the beautifully absurd and surreal. The company recently began a residency at UNM. Later this month, they’ll perform Neil Labute’s
The Mercy Seat at the Orpheum Art Space.

Our university presents a wide range of excellent theater every year, everything from student productions to big touring professional shows.

Vortex Theatre
2004½ Central SE 87106
It’s a rare weekend that nothing’s happening at the Vortex. Whether you’re looking for classic, contemporary or cutting-edge theater, the Vortex’s annual season has something for everyone.

Chad Brummett as Hamlet in the Vortex Theatre’s production of ... you guessed it ... Hamlet .

Laurie Thomas reads a big fat book in the Fusion Theatre Company’s production of The Unexpected Man.

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