Painters still pick up a brush the same way Leonardo did, dancers still take to the stage barefoot like Isadora Duncan and writers still pound the keys like Hemingway, but what of the process and purpose of photography in 2019 would be recognizable to Weegee, Adams or Arbus? Over the past 25 years, the craft of photography, and with it the photographer’s profession, have undergone such massive changes driven by technology that not only have the economics of being a professional photographer but also the role of the photographer in society been reconsidered. After all, when everyone has a camera in their pocket why would you need a professional photographer? As it turns out, we still love good visual stories and professional photographers continue to be the best able to deliver them. For 25 years, Center has kept photographers one step ahead of the turbulent and often overwhelming curse and blessing of living in these modern, interesting times. This week they are gathering photographers in Santa Fe for the Review Santa Fe Photo Festival. An event that goes beyond a conference or workshop, Review Santa Fe Photo Festival is probably the best place in the country to gauge the future of photography for photographers and the public alike.There are two parts to Review Santa Fe Photo Festival. The first is for the invited collection of photographers. One hundred invited photographers spend the better part of the week in workshops, portfolio reviews and networking events with publishers, curators and photo buyers. It is an opportunity for them to get specific about the next step in their career and make connections to those that can make those steps happen. This is for the most part a process that is closed to the public. If you are a photographer, you can have your chance to participate next year. The second part is for the public and includes a series of free public exhibits, presentations and fairs that offer the public access to some of the finest contemporary photographers and photojournalists working today. These six events represent a moment in time (not to say “snapshot”) of what the best in contemporary photography looks like. Center + Currents: A Collaborative ExhibitionOpening ReceptionThursday, Oct. 17, 7pm to 10pmCurrents 826826 Canyon Rd., Santa FeSix photographers who have previously been involved with Center’s review present work that challenges established approaches to photography. New ideas, technology and techniques fill the walls of this Santa Fe gallery in surprising ways. The Portfolio Walk Friday, Oct. 18, 6pm to 8pmSanta Fe Farmers’ Market Pavilion 1607 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FeThe Portfolio Walk is set up like the farmer’s market except the 100 participating photographers fill their tables with photographic prints that are not there to be sold, but to be discovered. It is a rare chance to talk with so many working photographers in an open exchange of images and ideas between photographers and the photo-loving public. There will also be food trucks, like all good festivals. The Photographer PresentationsSaturday, Oct. 19, 1pm to 5:30pmDrury Plaza 828 Paseo De Peralta, Santa FeSeventeen of Center’s 2019 award-winning photographers show their work in short presentations followed by a Q & A. Their work addresses a range of contemporary topics and presents a perspective and depth rarely seen in publication.A Contemporary Look at Childhood in New MexicoOpening ReceptionSaturday, Oct. 19, 5pm to 7pmEdition One Gallery728 Canyon Rd., Santa FeThe New Mexico chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers presents a group show of their member’s work on the topic of childhood here in the Land of Enchantment. Fresh and insightful, this exhibit reflects not only what is like to grow up in New Mexico, but is a showcase of the diverse range of talented professional photographers that live and work in the state. Photographic Book FairSunday, Oct. 20 10am to 5pmDrury Plaza Hotel828 Paseo De Peralta, Santa FePhotography books are considered in some circles the pinnacle of a photographer’s work. The tangible quality of books demands your attention and makes them harder to ignore than the constant scrolling methods that present most photographs today. Photographers and publishers from around the country gather their finest examples in this show and sale, with a number of signings included as well.Diane Arbus: A Box of Ten PhotographsSunday, Oct. 20 11amDrury Plaza Hotel828 Paseo De Peralta, Santa FeEvery year Review Santa Fe Photo Festival brings in a scholar to present their research. This year, John Jacob brings to Santa Fe the odyssey of the odd that is the work of Diane Arbus’ portfolio A Box of Ten Photographs in this multimedia presentation.
Review Santa Fe Photo Festival
For an updated schedule of events, see
Public events are free