Publish It Yourself—Who knows where the book industry is headed in the digital age? On the upside: There’s no reason you can’t write and publish your own work. As is always the case with DIY endeavors, the real trick is gaining an audience. Page One is ready to help. From 3 to 5 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month, self-published and local authors are invited to bring copies of their books into the store and set up shop. You’re welcome to use the cafe tables, or BYO tables, chairs and promo materials. You don’t have to sign up in advance, and it doesn’t cost any money. Just show up five or 10 minutes early so you can arrange your display. The next self-published book fair happens on Saturday, Dec. 1. Go to for more.Kardboard King—Fernando Larranaga has created a Planet of the Apes environment for Synchro Studio. The immersive show features nearly full-size statues of Cornelius, Dr. Zaius and more, as well as the spaceship Icarus and a detailed backdrop. All of the elements—and all of Larranaga’s work—are created using cardboard. The artist also completed a comic book for the show that he called Planet of the Monkey to avoid copyright infringement. This information comes to us by way of Corina Sugarman, Synchro’s chief volunteer-asaurus, because the mysterious Kardboard King—a longtime local upcycler—has no web presence and presumably isn’t big into promo. The show is part of the Craftacular Spectacular on Saturday, Dec. 1, at Synchro (512 Yale SE) from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Drop by, explore the ape-world and pick up gifts made by local artists.A Heart in a Hundred Pieces—Artist Jacklyn St. Aubyn has painted 100 paintings on four-inch-by-four-inch wooden panels. The series of still lifes, Little Pieces of the Heart, zeroes in on rich detail—close-ups of cherries, birds, flowers, a teacup, the interior of a blood orange. All subjects are composed thoughtfully within a square. "In some cases there is a stillness that I hope to create, while in others, I want a quiet tension," she says. Realism is not her goal. Instead, using color, she looks to push the paintings into the realm of symbolism and magic. Her work can be found at Matrix Fine Art (3812 Central SE) through Sunday, Dec. 9. The gallery is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Wednesdays through Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visit for more.