Santa Loves A Good Book

Christmas Book-Buying Tips

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
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If you add up all the time I've spent in bookstores in my life, it would probably equal several solid months. For this reason, I've become a very experienced book shopper. I like shopping for books. I like giving books as presents. And I love receiving books.

Books give people access to the world. For this reason, selecting a book for someone should be a highly personal and intimate experience. This holiday season, spend a few days searching through the aisles of your favorite bookstore for precisely the right book. As you know if you read the Alibi regularly, we have several very fine independent stores right here in Albuquerque.

Of course, even experienced book buyers might need some inspiration now and then. If you need some help, here are a handful of new releases that would make especially fantastic holiday gifts.

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