Daily Word In North Korea, Santa, Drinking On The Job And 2014 In Hindsight.

Renee Chavez
1 min read
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North Korea lost the Internet for nine hours.

Check out these awesome
Leading Ladies of 2014!

Santa has been up to all kinds of shenanigans all over the world.

Sony defies N. Korea and
authorizes screenings of “The Interview”.

Taliban push in to previously US-secured areas.

Here is a review of
2014 in pictures … wow.

NJ principal demoted for sign typos that were truly elementary.

Have a round on the Boss:
Drinking at work could make you a better employee!

Sweden opens newest

ABQ dentist offers free care on Christmas Eve.

New Mexico
CYFD gets new leadership.

Copper thieves make off with $32,000 worth of wire from Winrock.
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