It's A Bird, It's A Plane!

It's A Bird, It's A Plane!

Amy Dalness
1 min read
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It’s the Weekly Alibi’s 18 th annual Best of Burque issue. Faster than a speeding red-light runner. More powerful than Don Schrader’s home-brewed goat head yerba maté. You, the readers, picked the best of the best in the Duke City. We, Albuquerque’s faithful alternative weekly, compiled those green chile slathered nuggets of local goodness into what is sure to be the best Best of Burque issue of 2011.

Don’t take our word for it. The issue (officially) hits stands on Thursday, April 7, but if you hunt diligently it can be found in select locations on Wednesday, April 6.

Who will win best Albuquerquean? Which bar has the best staff? Which radio station came out on top? Tune in next week to find out.
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