The Alibi loves bikes. What could be better for our country’s health and the environment than everyone getting out of their cars and powering themselves to work? It’s part of why we’re not crazy about the Paseo and I-25 interchange revamp. That’s going to suck up so much money. Why not put that cash toward public transit, bike paths or other creative solutions to our vehicle-based problems? When you make the road bigger, it just fills up with more cars. The city isn’t the only entity pitching funds toward the overhaul, though it’s certainly putting up the most. The county may toss in $5 million, depending on what voters say today.But here’s the thing: The ballot language on county bond 5 doesn’t say a thing about Paseo. Instead, it says the bond puts cash toward road repair and bike paths. It’s a $10 million bond—and half of it goes to Paseo. Sneaky.We say vote for it anyway. BernCo residents shouldn’t suffer potholes and dangerous conditions for cyclists because of this shady business. Still, it’d be nice if the ballot language was clearer.