Speed Reader

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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Originally published in 1995, Writing the Southwest incorporated interviews, excerpts and criticism on some of our region's most prominent scribes. This newly revised edition includes expanded information and a 74-minute compact disc filled with tantalizing literary excerpts.

Speed Reader

Billions of words have already been penned about the famous 1972 chess match between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer, but advance readers have said Edmonds and Eidinow do a fantastic job of freshening up this iconic Cold War battle between two giants of the game.

Speed Reader

Some of these experiments you'll remember from Psych 101. Others are slightly more obscure. By most accounts, though, Slater's book describing some of the most illuminating psychological experiments of the last century is a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the mind and the scientists who explore it.

Speed Reader

In Tinti's debut book of short stories, the leading gents and ladies are all played by beasts of one kind or another. Animal Crackers is an inventive collection that convincingly transposes human fears and emotions onto our animal kin.

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