Business Profile: Salam Academy

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Salam Academy
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What is your business philosophy?

Our motto is “Salam Academy: Where Education Has No Limits.” We believe our children are the future. Our school is dedicated to providing a quality education in both fields: the religious and the secular. Our unique education system has established our place as one of New Mexico’s outstanding schools.

What is your greatest asset?

Salam Academy is an institution of learning aimed at maintaining the ethnic roots and moral values of Muslim and non-Muslim students. We serve students from 21 different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities.

What significant changes have you implemented recently?

We have recently purchased a new building for the school on Mountain, so we can accommodate more students We also now have a daycare and accept children at six months old. We will also be implementing Smart Board Interactive technology in each classroom within the year.

What successes in the past year are you most proud of accomplishing?

Our academic programs are very rigorous, and one of our 7th grade students recently won the regional spelling bee and will be headed to nationals in Chicago.

What are your growth goals?

We would like to grow our pre-school and pre-K program. We accept all students, Muslim and non-Muslim and those programs have room to grow.

What contributions to the community (charitable or otherwise) are you most proud of?

To learn, understand and respect other cultures and beliefs including Judeo-Christian values.

To reach out to the local community by competing with other schools in activities and performing leadership activities and community service.

Our alumni have gone on to be valedictorians in high schools and top merit scholars in prestigious universities but, most importantly, a lot of them have become model citizens.

Anything else you would like to add?

Registration for our summer program is now open, as well as registration for the 2016/2017 school year. We offer a safe, bully-free, environment for children of all ages, and we strive to foster a deep respect for all students.
Salam Academy

Salam Academy

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