This Is Albuquerque: Anita Briscoe, Llc

5 min read
Anita Briscoe
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What was your first job?

I was a nursing assistant at Espanola Hospital.

How did you get started in this business?

I utilized my experience doing psychiatric care of homeless clients and realized how much trauma they are suffering. I then got certified as a trauma specialist and started my practice referring my clients to the New Mexico Department of Health Cannabis Program.

Why did you choose this business?

I want to assist in the healing of the trauma that my clients are experiencing. Cannabis has been proven through many scientific research studies to heal PTSD symptoms.

What is your business philosophy?

Compassion, no matter what the cost. I want to help heal as many people as possible. There are a lot of traumatized people in New Mexico. A disproportionate percentage of patients in the Cannabis Program have PTSD.

What is your educational background?

A Bachelors of Science in Nursing, Masters of Science in School and Community Health Education and a Masters of Science in Psychiatric Nursing.

What is your greatest asset?

Flexibility, compassion and experience. I try to schedule my clients to meet their needs. I have 25 years of experience in psychiatric nursing. Having gone through trauma myself, I understand on many levels what my clients are going through.

What are your strongest business traits?

I am getting most of my referrals from word of mouth. I have set up a comfortable, attractive practice that is convenient for my clients.

What motivates you to succeed besides the desire to make money?

My mission to be a healer as a solo practitioner. My desire for autonomy.

How is operating your own business different than you expected?

It’s much easier than I thought. I have been in psychiatric practices in the past, so I learned the business end of it from this experience.

What significant changes have you implemented recently?

I am getting so busy, I have hired help!

What successes in the past year are you most proud of accomplishing?

Growing my practice into a busy, successful one. Having the love and respect of my clients.

What do you offer that the competition doesn’t?

Lower prices, deep knowledge and experience with trauma, as well as with cannabis. I keep up with all the latest research coming out on cannabis. Clients do not need to go through a middleman. I have the knowledge it takes to steer them to the right strains of cannabis to address each individual PTSD symptom.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle in operating a successful business?

Having the patience of taking the time to let the practice grow. It takes a year to establish a solid psychiatric practice.

What was your best business decision?

To go into business for myself!

What was your biggest missed opportunity?

Not listening to the advice to establish this practice sooner.

What are your growth goals?

I have reached my goals! I would like to have a solid practice that clients return to year after year.

What is your company’s greatest challenge?

Finding a solution to deal with patients that schedule a two hour appointment, and don’t show, and don’t have the courtesy to call.

What contributions to the community (charitable or otherwise) are you most proud of?

I have worked at a homeless shelter prescribing for clients who are severely mentally ill. When I assess that they need to be in the Cannabis Program, I do this for them at a price that they can easily afford, with a referral from a mental health provider. I have also spent a lot of time and money becoming one of NM’s experts in trauma, so I can help my New Mexico clients.

In what area of your business do you invest the most energy?

Listening carefully to my clients and carefully documenting what is needed to get them in the Cannabis Program.

If you had to choose another career or start another business what would it be?

I wouldn’t. Nursing has been very good to me.

What words of wisdom would you offer to someone starting their own business?

If it is starting a healing practice, have the patience to give it time to grow. Don’t spend yourself into debt advertising in areas that won’t work. Focus your work and develop a niche that is in demand.

What’s your favorite saying or quotation?

If you have the opportunity to do two things and you want to do them both, ask yourself, which one can I do later? And do the other one if there won’t be another chance.

Do you have a hero or mentor in business or otherwise?

My mentors are Pam Conry and Bryan Krumm, both Psychiatric NPs who trained and mentored me in referring clients to the Cannabis Program, and starting a solo practice. My husband, John Briscoe, who has also been so supportive of my business.

If there is one thing about Albuquerque or New Mexico that you could change, what would it be?

Change the governor. Now.

Passions outside of work?

Scuba diving, traveling, skiing, yoga, sewing, making art and music

Anything else you would like to add?

I have been a nurse in Albuquerque for 39 years, a psychiatric nurse for 25 years and a nurse practitioner for 13 years. I am a 3rd generation native New Mexican from Espanola.

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