This Is Albuquerque: Corrales Bosque Gallery

2 min read
Corrales Bosque Gallery logo
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It took some years for the collective group of artists to incorporate into the Corrales Bosque Gallery. Interested artists met as the Corrales Art Association in the ’50s and ’60s. The first meeting as the Corrales Bosque Gallery happened suddenly when a coveted space became available on Corrales Road. A shop named Radical Things moved out. The art group quickly reformed as the CBG and opened their doors on Sept. 2, 1994. There were 21 members representing 11 media. Mel Miller designed the logo.

The goal was to create a sense of community among local artists and give them a chance to be involved in the marketing of their work. It achieved a unity of purpose and a sense of discovery and creative life.

The gallery is committed to supporting each other and institutions within the community. By the year 2000 they began the annual collaborative benefit shows to support various organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Road Runner Food Bank, Corrales Community Library and now the restoration of the old San Ysidro Church. The opening day resulted in donating 40% of that day’s sales to the designated beneficiary. They also instituted a summer guest artist shows. Each member invited a non-member artist to share their wall space, and offered the visitors a chance to see double the amount of art work.

Educational background: All artists are juried in for their originality, professionalism and execution of artwork. We currently have 15 members, 12 consignment jewelers and 1 consignment sculptor.

Greatest Asset: The diversity of the group in style and media of their artwork and their extensive collective talent.

Recent Changes: A facelift for the gallery to make it more professional in appearance.

Growth Goals: Increase the membership from 15 members to 20 members.

Inspiration: Feedback about the gallery and the work.

Most demanding work: Public relations and creating art continually.
Corrales Bosque Gallery exterior

old church in moon shine

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