A Democratic Documentary

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Keya Lea Horiuchi, a filmmaker from Colorado, is touring the region with her documentary film Considering Democracy: 8 Things to Ask Your Representative . Horiuchi traveled around the world asking people what they thought of the United States. Our current administration is billing democracy as a cure for all the world’s political ills. But what does the rest of the world think about U.S. domestic and foreign policy? Americans are continually told through their media that freedom and democracy are being given to people abroad, but is this true? Topics like health care, foreign policy, the media, campaign finance, foreign aid and even vacation time are discussed by citizens of 10 different countries, resulting in an eye-opening snapshot of world politics and international relations today. Considering Democracy will screen locally at the Albuquerque Peace and Justice Center on Tuesday, May 6, at 7 p.m. A $5 donation is suggested, but no one will be turned away. For more info on the film, log on to www.consideringdemocracy.com.

Screenwriting Conference

On Tuesday, May 27, the 10 th annual Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe begins. This year, organizers have added an extra day to the conference, making it six days of screenwriting immersion. In the Screenwriting Symposium (Tuesday through Saturday) and The Hollywood Connection (Saturday and Sunday), aspiring, emerging and advanced screenwriters will learn how to write a top-notch script. Professional Hollywood agents, producers and writers of all genres will be on hand to instruct attendees in the business aspects of how to take their script from the page to the screen. Panels, classes and labs range from script format and character development all the way to that extra-special something that takes average scripts to the professional level. Among this year’s large faculty are pros like Chuck Pfarrar (screenwriter of Navy SEALs, Darkman and The Jackal ), Marilyn Horowitz (author of How to Write a Screenplay in Ten Weeks ), Kirk Ellis (writer and producer of miniseries Into the West and John Adams ) and Andy Fraser (vice president of Morgan Creek Productions). The Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe runs from May 27 through June 1. Call today to register at (505) 424-1501 or log on to www.scsfe.com.

Flying Saucers In Spain

The Instituto Cervantes’ Óperas Primeras film series continues this Thursday, May 1, at 7 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. This week’s free film screening is Óscar Aibar’s absurdist comedy/drama Platillos Volantes . Based on a true story, the film tells the story of two social outcasts living in a small industrial town in Spain who are united by their obsession with UFOs. The film will be shown in Spanish with English subtitles. Instituto Cervantes’ contemporary Spanish cinema series continues through May 8.
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