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Don’t be startled if you see an inordinate number of film crews racing around town this weekend. The 48 Hour Film Project returns to Albuquerque this Friday, July 10. Ours is one of more than 80 cities around the world hosting an initial leg of the two-day filmmaking competition. Handpicked crews of writers, directors, cinematographers, editors, actors and more will gather at Imbibe (3101 Central NE) at 6 p.m. on Friday. There, organizers will inform the crews of the line, prop, character and genre each must incorporate into their films. They’ll have just 48 hours—start to finish—to complete their efforts. There will be a wrap-up party on Sunday, July 12, back at Imbibe with drink specials and snacks. A grand total of 43 local film crews are signed up to participate, making this the busiest year since Albuquerque signed on to host the 48 Hour Film Project. The Premiere Screening for all the Albuquerque films takes place Wednesday, July 15, from 6:45 to 9:15 p.m. at the KiMo Theatre in Downtown Albuquerque. Tickets for this event are $9 at the door. The top film at Wednesday’s screening will go on to compete against all the winning films from around the globe. Log on to for more info.
As we mentioned last week, the inaugural Albuquerque Film Festival is rapidly approaching. The festival is scheduled to take place Aug. 6 through 9. If you’re a local filmmaker interested in submitting an already-completed film for inclusion in the festival’s very first juried competition, the deadline is Wednesday, July 15. Entries can be dropped off at the film festival office located at 102 Gold SW. Entry fees are $40 for features and $20 for shorts. Log on to for more info or e-mail with any questions.
Do you like to fall down on camera? On Sunday, July 12, from noon to 3 p.m., stuntman, filmmaker, DVD connoisseur and occasional Alibi contributor Kurly Tlapoyawa will host a workshop titled “Shooting Action Scenes for Indie Film.” Tlapoyawa is a SAG stuntman and has worked on films with Jason Statham, Gerard Butler and Steven Seagal. Registration fee for the workshop is $50. For more information or to register, call 307-8597 and ask for the man himself.