Reel World

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Stink Soiree—To celebrate the nationwide DVD release of legendary local zombie film The Stink of Flesh (hitting store shelves June 7), there will be a special release party at Hastings Books & Music (6001 Lomas NE) on Friday, June 10, from 7-9 p.m. Writer/director Scott Phillips will be on hand along with a chunk of the cast, including Kurly Tlapoyawa, Billy Garberina, Kristín Hansen and our very own Alibi film editor Devin O'Leary. (Yup, that's me digging through a pile o' zombie poop for the sake of art.) Gore fans and other curious individuals can pick up Tempe Video's special edition disc of Stink (complete with cast commentary, “making of” documentary, opening night footage, bloopers, short film and more) and get it autographed by the disturbed people responsible for its creation. Word on the street is that some of the living dead might even put in an appearance.

Reel World

Casting the ApocalypseThe Shiners, a no-budget apocalyptic thriller set in present-day New Mexico is gearing up to shoot here in July. Filmmaker Tim McClellan (whose first feature directing gig, A Girl + A Gun played at last year's TromaDance New Mexico festival) is currently casting the film and looking for interested actors for a wide range of roles. Feature actors, actresses and background extras are needed for the four-week shoot. Casting will be held Saturday, June 11, at 10 a.m. and Wednesday, June 15, at 5 p.m. Both casting sessions will take place at the UNM Fine Arts Building, downstairs from the main theater. For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 417-6229.

Reel World

Talking Pictures—Albuquerque's talk radio station 106.3 KAGM recently added a new weekly show dedicated entirely to movies. The show is hosted by local filmmaker/actor/showoff Billy Garberina (director of Collecting Rooftops and the currently-in-post-production Necroville) and Dan Gutierrez (founder of and creator of insane short films “Kung Fu Kitties” and “Marijuana's Revenge”–both available on the Best of TromaDance Film Festival #3 DVD). The show, titled “Director's Cut,” runs from 9 to 11 p.m. on Sunday nights and features movie reviews, discussions, listener call-ins and, of course, plenty of news about the local film scene. Give a listen and maybe throw in your two cents about the new Star Wars film.

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