Reel World

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Bastard in the Flesh—If you like to support local filmmakers, or if you just have a really sick and twisted sense of humor, I suggest you get down to Burning Paradise Video (800 Central SW) this weekend. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 16, BP will be hosting a signing party for the new Science Bastard double feature DVD. The DVD includes two short films by local filmmaker Scott Phillips (The Stink of Flesh). “Science Bastard” and its recently completed sequel “Scream, Science Bastard, Scream!” are a pair of twisted superhero parodies that feature such delights as trepanation (look it up), go-go girls and hypnotic porn stars. Chalk this one up as a shameless plug, since your humble Alibi film editor stars as the titular Bastard. (One viewing of the films is more than enough to prove that “shameless” assertion.) Writer/director Scott Phillips will be on hand to absorb your abuse and costar Billy Garberina will be there showing off his sweatpants. Buy a DVD and we promise not to breathe on you.

Reel World

Doc Discussion—The documentary The Protocols of Zion by award-winning filmmaker Marc Levin opens on Friday, Dec. 16, at the CCA Cinematheque in Santa Fe. The film explores the rise in anti-Semitism since 9/11 and the myth of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” an alleged Zionist world domination plan fabricated by the Russian Czars to incite hatred of the Jews. The Sunday 7 p.m. screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring local religious leaders. Proceeds from this screening/discussion will benefit local churches and synagogues. Call CCA Cinematheque (505) 982-1338 for more info.

Reel World

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!—In the first week of December, the Alibi issued its first-ever “Quiz & Puzzle” issue. Among the many brainteasers was the Movie Math Quiz. I asked you to figure out a series of movie-based numbers (film titles like 2001 or sequels like Jason X) and then add, subtract, multiply and divide these to get a final sum. Either you people don't know movies, or you're really bad at math. I don't know, maybe you just don't like free prizes. Anyway, we could have used a hell of a lot more correct answers. For the record, the correct sum was 370,796. The grand prize winner was Imran Rehman, who walks away with two tickets to the Guild Cinema, a $20 gift certificate to Louie's Rock-N-Reels and a club membership to Burning Paradise Video. Congratulations, Imran, use them for good and not evil.

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