Reel World

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Drive-In Movie?– This Friday and Saturday night, Sept. 1 and 2, Albuquerque-based filmmaker Rob Kellar (co-director of Collecting Rooftops ) will be screening his new film Carjacked at the Guild Cinema in Nob Hill. The screening will take place at 10 p.m. on both nights. Kellar’s feature-length thriller follows the story of a man (Chris Payne) who has been carjacked at gunpoint and forced to do harmful things to himself and others in order to save his own life. Carjacked was shot on 16mm color film for a penny-pinching $20,000. Kellar will be on hand both nights to discuss his experiences shooting low-budget films here in New Mexico. Tickets are $7 at the Guild Cinema (3405 Central NE).

Reel World

Accentuate the Negativ– Also this weekend, the Guild Cinema will play host to Mark Hosler, founding member of the infamous Bay Area “found sound” band Negativland. Hostler will be in Albuquerque on Sunday, Sept. 3., at 8 p.m. for a 90-minute film/lecture presentation. Adventures in Illegal Art: Creative Media Resistance and Negativland is a series of short videos made by Negativland in collaboration with various experimental filmmakers. Hosler will show these films in a video-formatted lecture that illustrates the many creative projects, hoaxes, pranks and “culture jamming” that Negativland has been a part of since 1980. The presentation covers issues of media literacy, creative and humorous anticorporate art/activism, the role of advertising and corporate power in our lives, intellectual property issues and the evolution of art, law and resistance in a media-saturated multinational world. Even if you’ve never heard of Negativland, if you’ve got any interest in these culturally relevant issues, you’ll find this show enlightening. None of the short films shown will ever be seen on MTV and much of it is visually in the same legal gray area that Negativland has explored for the last 26 years. Tickets are a mere $7.

Reel World

The Stink of Cheese– Local filmmaker/writer Scott Phillips (director of The Stink of Flesh /author of Friday the 13 th : Church of the Divine Psychopath ) has just published his new book, Unsafe on Any Screen , a collection of movie reviews covering some of the oddest, most insane films ever produced. If you’re a fan of cheesy, sleazy cinema, this book is the tome for you. In addition to being a filmmaker, Phillips used to own a video store here in Albuquerque. Many of the cult film reviews featured in Unsafe on Any Screen were originally published in Phillips’ late, great Alibi column “Videodrome.” The book is available locally at Burning Paradise Video and Page One Too. You can also order a copy online at or on Phillips’ own personal slice of cyberspace,
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