Elizabeth Gabel Casting is hosting an open casting call for a Netflix series that will be shooting in Albuquerque from April through the end of June. Producers are looking for actors of “all types.” EG Casting is working with casting director Lorrie Latham (Sicario, “Midnight, Texas,” “Daybreak”) at the casting call this Friday, March 6. The casting session runs from 2 to 5pm at the Aperture Center at Mesa Del Sol, right next to Albuquerque Studios (5700 University Blvd. SE). Please know all your clothing sizes. This is very important. If you would like to submit a photo with your sizes and phone number in advance, you can do so at castingabq@gmail.com. Photos must be well lit, in focus and without hats or sunglasses. Submitting photos is helpful, but the casting company assures prospective actors that, “it is always better to meet us in person at our calls.”
Reel World: Act On It Act On It
If you’re interested in launching or furthering your career as an actor in New Mexico’s growing field of film and television, there’s an educational forum you might want to check out this weekend. Film ABQ and Alessi Hartigan Casting bring the first Performers Forum of 2020 to Albuquerque’s KiMo Theatre (423 Central Ave. NW). The Forum consists of talks from Sande Alessi and Shayne Hartigan, the team behind Alessi Hartigan Casting. You can meet and greet the team members as they provide valuable insight on how to be a professional actor (background or principal) in the growing New Mexico film community. Organizers promise other “special announcements and guest speakers.” The event goes from 3 to 6pm on Saturday, March 7. Admission is free, but seating is limited. So you need to register for tickets in advance by going to kimotickets.com.
Reel World: Captain America 2020 Captain America 2020
Esther Bone Memorial Library in Rio Rancho (950 Pinetree Rd. SE) is hosting March Marvel Movie Madness. Each week though March 28, you can cast a vote for your favorite Marvel movies. The movies will be paired up against one another in typical “March Madness” bracket fashion. In the end, only one will be left standing. Will it be Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Thor: Ragnarok or Logan or Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers: Endgame? Get in and vote for your favorite. Everyone who votes will be entered to win a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to Premier Cinemas.
Reel World: March For Women March For Women
New Mexico PBS returns to the Special Collections Public Library for its monthly matinee of “!Colores!” short features. March is Women’s History Month, so “!Colores!” offers up several short documentaries about prominent New Mexico women, including Helen Hardin, Jessica Helen Lopez, Anna Sofaer and Nora Naranjo-Morse. The screening runs from 2 to 3:30pm this Saturday, March 7. Admission is free and open to the public. The Special Collections library is located at 423 Central Ave. NE.