The Central & Unser Library (8081 Central Ave. NW) kicks off 12 Days of Christmas Movies with the 2012 animated fantasy Rise of the Guardians in which Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny join forces to save the world. That screens Thursday, Dec. 13 from 1:30 to 4:30pm in the library’s Children’s Activity Room. The very next day, it’s the 1954 musical White Christmas, starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney (Friday, Dec. 14, 2:30pm). Other highlights this week include the 1988 comedy Ernest Saves Christmas (Saturday, Dec. 15, 1:30pm), the nostalgic 1983 comedy A Christmas Story (Sunday, Dec. 16, 1:30pm), the 2011 animated film Arthur Christmas (Monday, Dec. 17, 1:30pm), the raunchy 2017 adult comedy A Bad Moms Christmas (Monday, Dec. 18, 5:30pm), the 1998 Michael Keaton fantasy Jack Frost (Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1:30pm), the 1989 sequel National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1:30pm), 1946’s seasonal classic It’s a Wonderful Life (Wednesday, Dec. 19, 5:30pm) and the 1988 Bill Murray vehicle Scrooged (Thursday, Dec. 20, 1:30pm).