Thursday 26
“Who Wants to Be a Superhero?” (Sci-Fi 7 p.m.) Who would have thought a show about ordinary people dressing up in tights and trying to act like superheroes would be so oddly touching? And yet, last season had plenty of teary moments. Let’s hope this new season proves equally silly and heartfelt. “Mind Control With Derren Brown” (Sci-Fi 8 p.m.) Derren Brown is a mentalist—that is, he claims no supernatural power but seems to possess an uncanny skill at reading people’s minds and influencing their behavior. Freaky cool. “Welcome to the Parker” (Bravo 8 p.m.) Are people so bored with their own jobs they’re willing to watch shows about other people working (tattoo artists, car mechanics, hair dressers)? If so, here’s a behind-the-scenes reality show about hotel workers in Palm Springs. “Comic Con ’07” (G4 8 p.m.) The hosts of G4’s various and sundry shows broadcast live from day one of the San Diego International Comic Con. … If the gods are with us, Olivia Munn will be wearing some sort of cosplay outfit.Friday 27
“Doctor Who” (Sci-Fi 7 p.m.) You’ve been good little fanboys and fangirls this week, so I give you “Daleks in Manhattan.”Saturday 28
“Cops” (KASA-2 7 p.m.) Can you believe this is the 19 th season finale? Isn’t it about time for them to start rearresting people?Sunday 29
“The Two Coreys” (A&E 8 p.m.) Dig out your 1986 issues of Tiger Beat, because
Corey Haim and
Corey Feldman are back! A&E is giving them their own reality(ish) series, in which crazy, sloppy bachelor Corey Haim moves in with stable, married neat freak Corey Feldman. … Wait,
Feldman turned out to be the stable one? “Ocean of Fear: The Worst Shark Attack Ever” (Discovery 7 p.m.) Discovery Channel launches its 20 th anniversary Shark Week with this special about the infamous U.S.S. Indianapolis incident (the one Robert Shaw growls about in Jaws ).
Monday 30
“Six Degrees of Martina McBride” (KOAT-7 8 p.m.) Six wannabe country music singers who couldn’t get on “Nashville Star” try to make it into the big time by seeing if they can connect themselves to Martina McBride using less than six people. … Sounds awfully high concept for country music. Couldn’t they just give a recording contract to the one who can throw a cowchip closest to Larry the Cable Guy? “No Reservations” (Travel 8 p.m.) Anthony Bourdain is back with a new season of eating and traveling. Tonight, he’s off to Shanghai.Tuesday 31
“Murder” (Spike 8 p.m.) Real people are given 48 hours to solve a real-life crime. (The crimes are old and were already cracked by police detectives.) The team that comes closest to the actual solution wins a donation in their name to a selected victim’s charity.Wednesday 1
“George Michael in Concert” (KASY-50 7 p.m.) Really?