Council Watch:

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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Council chambers were three-quarters full of people wanting to comment about several issues. Some were in support of more money for the zoo, others protested Mayor Richard Berry’s recent award from the New Mexico Freedom of Open Government for bringing more transparency to the city’s government website. And one person spoke from her heart about supporting Thursday, Oct. 11, as National Coming Out Day, a national observance celebrating people who are publicly LGBTQ. 2012’s theme is "Come Out. Vote." to encourage folks to cast a ballot in November for politicians who support equality. The day was launched in 1988 by a psychologist from New Mexico, Robert Eichberg.

Councilor Michael Cook introduced a bill to open up more land for future balloon landings (see this week’s feature, page 38). The bill would open up home and business property to compensate for dwindling open space in the city. The measure must first make it through the city’s Environmental Planning Commission, so it will not help this year’s Balloon Fiesta pilots.

Several items were deferred—again—shortening the already slim agenda.

Council Watch:

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The next meeting

Monday, Oct. 15, 5 p.m.

Council Chambers in the basement of City Hall

View it on GOV TV 16 or at

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