
2 min read
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Hello Alibi,

I just gave a small donation to become a friend of the
Alibi. I really appreciate the Alibi (on a personal level, not just as an advertiser), and wanted in particular to tell you and your colleagues how wonderful the Keep Calm and Wash your Hands issue was. I had been feeling quite overwhelmed and stressed by this whole COVID situation. I sat down with that issue, just to flip through, and ended up reading most of it. By the end, I felt so much better! I’m saving it and will look back through it again when I need another dose of calm.

Please give my thanks and best wishes to your colleagues. You all are doing excellent work, and I hope you all stay safe and well as you help us navigate these uncertain times.

All the best,

Carolyn Simmons, Director

Alliance Française School of Abq

I’m hoping I can find an actual hardcopy at Mario’s or the Co-Op…

When I saw the driver who delivers to Page One Books back on March 18, we were chatting and I said it might be okay if the Alibi went to every other week until this crisis is over (and businesses/theaters reopen). Just a thought to save some money.

Stay safe and keep up the good fight,


First of all, thank you from the bottom of our collective heart for supporting
Weekly Alibi.

We love our readers because, without you, we could never have created a publication that has remained devoted to telling local stories for the past 27 years, stories that may have gone untold without our coverage.

Those stories are about people and places you know or want to know more about. They are about the economy, politics, food, film, cannabis, music, art, theater, sports and everything else that makes Albuquerque, New Mexico the incredibly unique place it is.

Call us sentimental, but we think that in many ways, that makes us all a family. And we take care of our family.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 346-0660. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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