Fellowship Not Fascism

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I would like to commend Jim Scarantino for his excellent article “Land of Impeachment” [The Real Side, Feb. 1-7] and respond with some very important information concerning the impeachment resolution, SJR5. This Friday, Feb. 9, this resolution will be voted on in the Senate Rules Committee. The Republicans can be expected to all vote no, since they are basically ignorant tools of empire (i.e. ignorant of the fact that the 9/11 attacks, which they use to justify most of their backward and harmful policy, was an inside job, as proven by the work of David Ray Griffin and others), and the Democrats are all expected to vote yes, except one, Ben D. Altamirano, who has repeatedly shown himself to be a closet Republican, like House Speaker Ben Lujan (I’ll explain shortly). He has voiced opposition to the resolution stating that he doesn’t think that states have a right to begin impeachment proceedings. This is completely false of course, as pointed out in Mr. Scarantino’s article; section 603 of Jefferson’s Manual does give states this right very clearly.

Politics is really not as complicated as is often described; it really boils down to a battle between democracy and fascism. People like Altamirano and Lujan (and the entire illegitimate Bush administration, of course) undermine the will of the majority, and oppression, suffering and exploitation inevitably result. It’s an age old story. The People of New Mexico want this resolution to pass, just like we want the medical marijuana bill to pass that would only give terminally ill patients the right to use an herbal medicine that alleviates their severe pain (House Majority Leader Ben Lujan would not allow this bill to be voted on the floor last year, even though it passed both the House and Senate).

New Mexican citizens must not let fascist tactics win again. Too much has already been lost (650,000-plus Iraqi civilians, 3,000-plus US soldiers, our civil rights, etc.) and too much is now at stake. This criminal government must be held accountable for their terrible crimes. Otherwise, our nation will be eternally disgraced, and the deaths of so many innocents will not be responded to with justice. Please voice strong support for these bills by calling and writing these representatives this month and next. Go to the committee hearings if you can, and let’s have democracy in America for a change.


[RE: Commentary, “EDo: Albuquerque’s Boob Job,” Jan. 25-31] I am certainly impressed with the revitalization of the Central Avenue corridor between I-25 and Broadway over the past five years. However, as a longtime resident of the erstwhile “Huning Highlands” and various other Downtown neighborhoods, I felt compelled to come up with a list of new neighborhood names which evoke more of a sense of place than “EDo.” Perhaps, the city and/or developers should consider using one or more of the following ‘silk purse’ monikers for future efforts at Downtown gentrification: “HoDo,” “HoboDo,” “ConDo” or “Ex-ConDo.”

Great Juice

[RE: It’s Just Grape Juice, “Valentine Wine ’n’ Dine,” Feb. 1-7] I don’t think that I have ever read a funnier or more appropriate wine column in my life. Congrats Andres, you seemed to have really captured a lot of the overblown fluff around a lot of the local wine restaurants with your biting satire and knowledgeable observations. So many local wine restaurants and bars seem to take themselves way too seriously, so I love your cynical approach of writing a wine column as the misanthrope lover on Valentine’s Day, but best of all were your recommended pairings (A "W" bumper sticker on the back of your SUV). I hope to read more of your hilarious but well thought out commentary in the future. Most importantly, it is clear that you do know your way around a wine list.

Mouth For Meth

[RE: Letters, “Run a Red for Meth,” Feb. 1-7] Perhaps Bryant Karst would be kind enough to send in a monthly picture of his mouth so Alibi readers can see how his "healthy, balanced and responsible" use of meth keeps his teeth clean and strong, and his gums plump and pink.

A Bus For My Valentine

It came just in time. A gift from my friend, Patrick Lance, and his friends. It arrived by Valentine’s Day. What was the great gift? An inspection, oil change, grease job and a lot of TLC for the schoolbus which serves the kids at San Diego Riverside Charter School in Jemez Pueblo.

Who were the ones who got themselves dirty doing this job? Patrick and his brother, Paul. Chris Michel and his brother, Kenny. U.S Transport in Albuquerque gave up the use of their shop on a Sunday, thanks to Ron Meek. Tommy Priddy and Fleetpride Industrries donated oil and filters.

Why is this a special gift? Because it shows what can be done to lend a hand to a charter school, which does not get all the money regular public schools receive. Because it shows how the folks in New Mexico can cooperate with one of the state’s 19 Pueblos in the multi-racial State of Enchantment.

Where’s the challenge for such giving to go on throughout the year? Well, that answer lies in human hearts, in people’s pockets and in the decisionmakers of other shops in our fine-fine, super-fine state.

Donations of time, resources and talents are always most appreciated by all organizations in New Mexico. Christmas and Valentine’s Day come and go, but the multiple needs of charter schools and charitable groups goes on and on, all 365 days of the year.

Thanks to those fine folks named above and to the companies who will be remembered for giving on a Sunday afternoon. The 99-plus students and staff at the 100-year-old San Diego Riverside place of learning, are grateful for the Valentine’s gift they received. Now, their bus can more safely keep running down the road, serving the students and families in Jemez Pueblo.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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