Election Wrap-Up

Progressive Trumps Trumpian Candidate In Local Contest

August March
1 min read
Timothy M. Keller Elected Mayor
Albuquerque Mayor-Elect Tim Keller (Eric Williams Photography)
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Thirty minutes after the polls closed in Albuquerque on Nov. 14, 2017, the outcome was clear. Early tabulations of absentee and early voting showed Tim Keller with a huge lead over Dan Lewis.

Within minutes of posting the early results, mainstream media outlets began calling the race;
Keller Handily beat Lewis and the district 5 City Councilor conceded soon thereafter.

Please join the staff of
Weekly Alibi in congratulating our new mayor; better yet pick up our Local Gift Guide issue Tomorrow and Thursday to read about this and other totally awesome and heroic progressive victories that happened IRL this November.

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