
Debt Denial

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In 2006 I was working as a beer vendor at Isotopes Park and sold you a beer. At that time, I told you the Democrats should be making a big stink about the national debt. I told you the debt was almost $9 trillion, and that if the government paid it off at a thousand dollars a day, it would take more than 30,000 years. I said the government had turned all future generations into slaves. You said I was scaring you.

Well, I told you so. Now the national debt is $10.6 trillion, and with the bailout of the financial institutions, it will be at least $11.3 trillion. And with the trillion dollars that Congress has stolen from Social Security since 1983, that makes it more than $12.5 trillion that you’ve put us in debt. One question: How long are you going to keep living in denial?

Letters May The Best Man Win

Growing up in Albuquerque in the ’60s, there were lots of lessons to learn about what America was all about. New Mexico is truly a multicultural state, but my neighborhood and school was all Anglo and Hispanic; the only African-American I had ever encountered was Shorty the lawn guy.

One day, an African-American man appeared in the neighborhood wearing a suit and handing out some brochures. I saw my father and a neighbor talking with him for a long time, and after the man left, the neighbor exchanged words with my dad and he came storming through the front door. He told me he could not believe how ignorant some people can be. The man in the suit was running for office in the upcoming election, and the neighbor had said he would never vote for an African-American, but of course used the derogatory terms that were used all too often in those days.

My dad said the man was very smart and seemed very passionate and informed about the issues that concerned our neighborhood, and it was ignorant to judge a person by the color of their skin, and he was going to vote for him because he was the best person running.

Lenton Malry was elected that year and went on to represent our area for many years, because in our neighborhood, people afflicted with the disease of racism were the minority.

My district is served by Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, who impressed me in her campaigns as a candidate who was passionate and dedicated to helping my district improve the lives of the people who live here. The fact that she is an African-American woman was never a factor in my decision to vote for her; she was just the best person for the job.

This year in the presidential race of 2008, I am also supporting the best person for the job, Sen. Barack Obama. Sen. Obama is informed and passionate about the issues facing our country. He will work for real change and try to reverse the disastrous path the Republican Party has taken us on in the last eight years. We need real change, not just a repackaged marketing campaign for a candidate whose proven record of supporting George W. Bush’s failed policies cannot be denied. Voting for Sen. Obama is a true vote for change, change for the better. Sen. Obama also happens to be of African-American descent, and to let that fact sway your decision on voting for the best candidate would be truly ignorant.

Letters They're Not The Same

[Re: Feature, “I’m Not Going to Vote,” Sept. 25-Oct. 1] If you’re not voting because you think the candidates are "all the same," ask yourself this: Would we be in Iraq if Al Gore had been president?

Letters ?

[Re: Blog, “Breaking News,” Sept. 24] Why are liberals so very non -liberal when it comes to keeping open minds to ideas other than their own narrow little dogmatic fantasies? And where does the seething hatred come from? Honestly, I never listen to Hannity and I don’t even like him. I really don’t know the "vid" you’re speaking of; I haven’t seen it. I question McCain’s motives for delaying the debate like you do, but I think it would be wise to see what the deal is before jumping to absurd conclusions. I am not thrilled with McCain, but I think he is running a credible race and certainly giving Obama a run for his money in an election year that should have been a walkaway for Obama.

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