Odds & Ends

Dateline: United Kingdom

Joshua Lee
5 min read
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A pub owner in England has installed an electric fence to encourage social distancing. According to BBC News, the landlord of the Star Inn in the village of St. Just, England—Jonny McFadden—has installed an electric fence at the pub with an attached sign that reads, “Warning Electric Fence.” McFadden said he made the move to ensure that his customers practice social distancing. “If I had put a little bit of rope there I don’t think anybody would have taken this much attention as they have to an electric fence,” McFadden told reporters. “I run a very small bar. Everybody is accustomed to sitting at the bar, pushing at the bar. They can’t do that now. Things have changed.” When asked if the fence was connected to a power source, the pub owner remained evasive. “Come and find out,” he said. “There is a fear factor and it works.” He said the fence has been working well since its installation because “people are like sheep. … They know it is a fence and don’t want to touch it to find out whether it is on or not.” He told reporters that the only complaint he’s received about the fence came from his insurance broker. “He was a bit worried, but then that is what he is there for,” McFadden said. “He rang a nephew of mine and said, ‘I hope he is not electrocuting people.’ Well come and find out if I am.”

Odds & Ends Dateline: United Kingdom

Earlier this month British citizens were warned that seagulls “drunk” on flying ant acid could pose a danger to people. Huffpost reports that unusually warm weather conditions have led to a larger “Flying Ant Day” than usual. The yearly swarming event marks the mass emergence of flying ants into the air. The insect gatherings are so large that they register on radar and can be seen from space. Scientists say that seagulls are attracted to these swarms because the ants produce an acid that causes psychotropic effects in the birds. Eating the insects reportedly causes the gulls to appear drunk and lose their inhibitions. Tony Whitehead, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, told reporters that the seagulls cannot resist the ants. “The gulls are mad for them,” he said. “There has been a massive emergence of the ants over the last three days, and they are like little treats for the gulls. They are like M&Ms to them. They go to wherever they are.” While under the influence of the insect acid, the birds have been known to fly into buildings and collide with moving vehicles, leaving many dead along the roadway.

Odds & Ends Dateline: United States

Teens are posing as mask-wearing elderly women to purchase alcohol illegally. New York Post reports that teens have been posting videos to various social media platforms—particularly on TikTok—that depict them dressing in a variety of elaborate costumes that are meant to trick clerks into believing that they are much older. One TikTok video with over 1.5 million views depicts a young girl using makeup to create the illusion that she has wrinkles. The made-up girl can then be seen leaving a store while using a walker and brandishing a bottle of pink liquid. The poster said the “prank” took place in California. One video with over two million views shows a young girl wearing a gray wig, glasses and an elderly person Halloween mask. The girl is then shown shopping at a gas station in her disguise. The video then shows the teen dancing with her friends and displaying cans of Four Loko that she’d successfully purchased. Another video with two million views shows a teen wearing a headscarf and costume jewelry walking into a wine store then dancing on the side of the road while holding two wine bottles.

Odds & Ends Dateline: Georgia

Earlier this month a dead cat received its voter registration card through the mail. According to FOX 5 in Atlanta, Ga., Ron Tims checked his mail and found an envelope mysteriously addressed to Cody Tims. It struck Tims as odd, because Cody is a cat. It also seemed strange, because Cody reportedly died 12 years ago. The cat’s ashes have been stored in a green container owned by the family. “There’s a huge push [to get voters to the polls], but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not sure who else they’re trying to register,” said Carol Tims. I’m not sure if they’re trying to register dogs, mice, snakes.” The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office said they hadn’t sent the application and that third party groups use mailing lists to get names and addresses. “Third-party groups all over the country are targeting Georgia to help register qualified individuals,” the agency said in a statement. “This group makes you wonder what these out-of-town activists are really doing. Make no mistake about it, this office is dedicated to investigating all types of fraud.” Cats are not allowed to vote in Georgia.

Compiled by Joshua Lee. Email your weird news to josh@alibi.com.

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