All The News That's Fit To Eat

All The News That's Fit To Eat

Laura Marrich
3 min read
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Signing for Her Supper— Friend and former Alibi Food Editor Gwyneth Doland can add one more notch to her crumb-speckled belt, as she’s just become a published cookbook author! The book is Cilantro Secrets (Rio Nuevo, paperback, $12.95), which she’ll launch at a signing event on Thursday, July 27, at Jennifer James’ Gulp (3128 Central SE, 268-4729). From 5:30-8:30 p.m., the girls next door (that is, the Graze chefs) will prepare a selection of herby snacks from the book, offered to the guests of Ms. Doland at no extra charge. Settle into a cilantro mojito and pick Gwyn’s brain about mole, the subject of her next book in the Cook West single-ingredient series. Oh, and buy a book. She’s got a pile of cilantro-inspired grocery receipts that aren’t paying for themselves. “I will write anything on the title page of that book if you pay me $12.95,” she says. Cash or check are perfectly acceptable.

All The News That's Fit To Eat

New Mexico Scores High in Wine Spectator The hotly anticipated Wine Spectator 2006 Dining Guide hit the streets last week, wherein an unprecedented 3,772 restaurants from around the globe are graded using the magazine’s three-tiered rating system. The accolades are intended to “recognize restaurants whose wine lists offer interesting selections … and appeal to a wide range of wine lovers.” And sell more magazines, right?

The highest accolade, the “Grand Award,” was given to just one New Mexico establishment, Billy Crews in Santa Teresa. (I had to Google map it—Santa Teresa is a straight drop down from Albuquerque to the New Mexico border, a few minutes outside El Paso, Texas.) This is the restaurant’s 20
th straight year with the distinction and is one of only 77 in the world to share the honor.

The magazine’s second highest designation, the “Best of Award of Excellence,” went to eight New Mexico restaurants, with just one Albuquerque cellar among them–Scalo Northern Italian Grill.

Wine Spectator’ s basic “Award of Excellence” (which is pretty outstanding nonetheless) was awarded to 24 New Mexico restaurants. The Albuquerque winners are Ambrozia Café and Wine Bar, The Artichoke Café, Great American Land and Cattle Co., Le Café Miche, The Melting Pot, Prairie Star, Quarters, The Ranchers Club of New Mexico, Scalo and Seasons Rotisserie and Grill. Cheers to all the winners!

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