All The News That's Fit To Eat

All The News That's Fit To Eat

Laura Marrich
3 min read
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The Return of La Crêperie Roulante– In addition to running Café Gee out of Atomic Cantina in the evenings, Richard Agee is reviving his La Crêperie Roulante cart for streetside lunch services. Richard plans to be back in his mobile kitchen with the original Crêperie Roulante menu from around 11 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays, starting immediately. “Yeah, and no drunk-people sandwiches!” he says, referring to the fact that “some people” can’t wrap their heads around what a panini is during bar hours. So he’s returning to the perennial favorites while he can, in sober daylight. That means savory and sweet crêpes, a soup or two and, yes, those impossibly flat, pressed sandwiches. (Don’t worry, drunk people. You can still get a Burque turkey inside the Atomic when the Café Gee kitchen is open.) When hunger strikes at lunch, look for his supercharged, shiny black food cart on Gold between Third and Fourth Streets.

All The News That's Fit To Eat

Sunflower Market Blossoms on the Eastside— Let’s face it, driving up Lomas between Washington and San Mateo is a little depressing. It strikes me as the kind of place where a family of zombies would feel perfectly at home, nestled ominously amongst the abandoned strip malls and crumbling gray parking lots. Since John Brooks Supermarket cleared out (they relocated to Zuni and San Mateo), the only functional stores left are Clark’s Pet Emporium, a beacon in an otherwise downtrodden shopping district, and a few dusty, indistinct thrift stores.

On the other side of the river, by striking contrast, sits Corrales. There’s a brand-new shopping center, explosive growth and … Sunflower Farmers Market. One of the few chain grocers that doesn’t demand prohibitive “slotting fees” from its suppliers (which typically cost tens of thousands of dollars for a single product line and are designed to keep small businesses off the market shelves), Sunflower Market is ray of light in the cutthroat retail food industry. The people who work there are super-friendly and helpful. They’ve got a huge variety of organic foods and other natural products. Their prices are good and every Wednesday is double coupon day. In short, Sunflower rocks.

But I’m a centrally located lady, and driving all the way across town for my groceries is totally impractical. (Yeah, I’m looking at you too, Trader Joe’s.) What’s broke, hungry girl to do? Wait it out. I’ll get mine in a year.

While I was driving up that sad, deserted scrap of Lomas this weekend, I saw a huge banner on what used to be a Sav-On Pharmacy (the one next to the old Thrift Town building) that announced an impending … Sunflower Farmers Market! I called the Westside store (10701 Corrales NW at Coors, 890-7900) to find out when their projected opening date is, but no dice. The best estimate Corrales manager Eddie Paleo could afford me was about a year, in June or July of 2007. But that’s just fine with me. When they do open, I’ll be there. Probably on a Wednesday, when it’s double coupon day.

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