Year In Review: Farm Laws And Spilled Secrets

Farm Laws And Spilled Secrets

Ari LeVaux
6 min read
The Year in Food
The sleeper story of the year: Corn pesticide kills bees.
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Some will argue that 2010 was the year homemade sausage finally came of age, or the year the school garden movement exploded. Others will remember 2010 as the year KFC’s Double Down sandwich made its glorious debut. With so many food preferences and priorities, you can hardly make an end-of-year food list to please everyone, so let’s start with what the people think. Some of them, anyway.

What’s Eating You?

A market research firm called Wakefield surveyed 1,000 Americans on what they felt was "the most significant food story of 2010." Interestingly, the top three stories were threats to food safety: the impact of the
BP oil spill on the seafood industry, the nationwide egg recall and the recall of 35,000 pounds of beef when E. coli was detected at a Southern California distributor.

This public perception makes the food safety bill especially timely.
Senate Bill 510 finally passed on Dec. 21, but only after being sent back on a technicality as part of a Republican endgame on tax cuts. Following closely on the food safety bill’s heels, the landmark Child Nutrition Act suffered no such snags.

Got Meat?

Another important policy move went down in February, when the USDA modified its organic standards for beef and dairy. The new
"Access to Pasture" rule, named after an infamous long-standing loophole, finally specifies a minimum number of days per year that cattle must spend on pasture to qualify as organic. The requirement raises the bar especially for the large producers trying to qualify as organic, forcing them to more truly live up to organic principles. For small milk and meat producers, and the consumers who are willing to pay a little extra for their product, this clarity in the law is welcome.

In other bovine-product-related developments, the USDA has apparently gotten serious about investigating the many ways in which unregulated pharmaceuticals are getting into our meat and dairy. An April report by the USDA’s Office of the Inspector General
called out its own agency for its near total lack of oversight in recent decades and made recommendations for reform.

The FDA finally
released estimates in December, for the first time ever, of total antibiotic use in the nation’s livestock industry. In 2009, that figure was 29 million pounds, most of it for non-therapeutic use—to expedite weight gain, for instance. Such use is partly why there’s an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant staph, or MRSA, in feedlots. The report expresses the FDA’s newfound intention to curb antibiotic use in agriculture.

The Business of Bees

Amid this climate of agency self-examination, my pick for the sleeper story of the year was broken by a Colorado beekeeper named Tom Theobald. Concerned about annual losses in his colonies that had grown to 40 percent, he began to suspect an agricultural pesticide called clothianidin that is used in area cornfields. The Bayer-patented neurotoxin has been used in seed coatings since 2003, though Bayer’s permission to market it was granted conditionally, dependent on the submission of evidence that it was safe for bees.

Theobald tracked down a lengthy correspondence between Bayer and the EPA in which Bayer repeatedly stalled and the EPA granted numerous extensions until Bayer finally conducted a study. That study was never released, and it stayed buried for years until Theobald, just trying to figure out what happened to his bees, found it online.

The study, done in Canada, was conducted so poorly that the results could not be considered conclusive, or even indicative, that clothianidin used on corn is safe for bees.

wrote about this saga in Bee Culture magazine in July and soon afterward received a phone call from the EPA saying his article had led to an internal investigation.

That inquiry resulted in a Nov. 2 memo in which the EPA acknowledged the tragedy of errors that led to the continued permitted use of clothianidin. It also stated that scientists inside the EPA expressed bee-related concerns as early as 2003, partly because a similar pesticide had recently caused bee die-offs in Europe.

Bees help pollinate about a third of the food grown in the U.S. Theobald says he’s hardly the only beekeeper on the verge of having to fold the tent—someone can’t sustain that kind of colony loss for too long.

Bad Seed?

Perhaps the beekeepers and their allies could use a few pages from the playbook of the
Center for Food Safety, which has used the National Environmental Policy Act to stop the planting of genetically modified crops in places where they endanger the local environment and the livelihoods that depend on it.

Monsanto appealed one case all the way to the Supreme Court, as each lower court ruled that the alfalfa cannot be commercialized until an environmental impact study is done. In June the Supreme Court demanded more USDA oversight, and the completion of an environmental impact study, before allowing the crop to be commercialized.

Then in December, a federal judge took some sweetness out of Monsanto’s sugar beet division by ordering that 258 very important acres of genetically modified sugar beets be destroyed. These sugar beets were intended to pollinate and produce seeds for the 2012 sugar beet season. Currently, 95 percent of the nation’s sugar beets are grown from Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seeds. The seeds are popular because they save farmers the expense and hassle of spraying chemicals on the crop, since the plants manufacture herbicides internally.

Monsanto produces its sugar beet seeds on several properties in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. This happens to be the worst place in the entire country for that crop because the risk of gene contamination there is so great.

Beet seeds are wind-pollinated, and the Willamette Valley is where most of the nation’s table beet seeds are grown, as well as most of the chard seeds. Both chard and table beets can crossbreed with sugar beets. Judge Jeffrey White ruled that Monsanto was endangering neighboring, non-genetically modified seed industries by letting its genetically modified beets go to seed in the valley. Judge White is still hearing arguments from Monsanto as to why he shouldn’t have the crop destroyed in February 2011.

How appropriate that seeds are the final topic of this year’s recap. Because when we reconvene on the other side of the holidays, it will be time to think about spring planting. Prepare your tea and seed catalogs!
The Year in Food

The Year in Food

The Year in Food

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