Show Up: Nothing Says 'Latin Divas' Like Taiko Drums

Show Up: Nothing Says 'Latin Divas' Like Taiko Drums

Holly von Winckel
3 min read
Nothing Says 'Latin Divas' Like Taiko Drums
Lysa Flores (Marjorie C.)
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Live music is a very democratic process; think of each ticket as a vote and each amazing concert as a successful election. Congratulations! You just voted awesome music in again. The flip side is obvious: Low voter turnout means the inane, unpleasant platforms are going to be in charge. It is the same with live music―a good turnout significantly increases the odds of a great show coming around again, and other acts you want to see will be encouraged to come here. Well, it’s time to take your democracy-lovin’ asses on down to this city’s nonchalant home of awesome and cast your vote for The Good Stuff.

There is a concert coming up on Saturday that you almost certainly don’t know about, at a venue you definitely don’t spend enough time in. The Latin Divas Series tour is a triple dip of awesome coming to the Albuquerque Journal Theatre at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (1701 Fourth Street SW), and you need to be there. On Saturday, Feb. 8, the show starts at 7:30pm, and it’s Lysa Flores, East LA Taiko and Yuujou Daiko on one stage. Together.

What that gets you is the all-consuming, gut-rumbling thunder of taiko (a Japanese ensemble big-drum tradition), the smoking hot Afro-Cuban grooves of East Los Angeles and Flores’ singular alt.rock/punk vocals and guitar magic. If you haven’t heard Flores’ voice, I can tell you it’s best characterized as the love child of PJ Harvey and a really amazing sugar calavera … in a good way! These are all acts with 20-plus years of experience, and they really work well together. If you don’t believe me, ask YouTube. Remember to crank up the bass just before you press play.

From the gleaming copper proscenium to the back of the house, this auditorium is going to throb with the sort of music that defies categorization and just makes you happy to be alive. This is a one-night-only gig, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Again with the democracy metaphor … if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain about the results. If you don’t go to this show, don’t come around later crying about how nothing good comes to Albuquerque.

Pro-tip: While you are on the NHCC event page, sign up for their events newsletter. You would not believe the amazing stuff that goes on over there and just like this upcoming concert, it crosses all the category lines and makes you glad to be alive. Once you find out what’s happening, you’ll probably be there all the time.

Lysa Flores

with East LA Taiko and Yuujou Daiko

Saturday, Feb. 8, 7:30pm

Albuquerque Journal Theatre at NHCC

1701 Fourth Street SW

Tickets: $17-$27 with a $5 discount for students, seniors and NHCC members, available online at or via the Center’s box office, 724-4771

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