All The News That's Fit To Eat

All The News That's Fit To Eat

Gwyneth Doland
3 min read
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Stop, drop and roll. Last week the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) issued an egg roll recall for three kinds of egg rolls manufactured by Schwan's Pasadena, Texas plant, and distributed through Schwan's home delivery service in Belen, Chaparal and Roswell. (You've seen Schwan's old-fashioned delivery vehicles that sorta look like refrigerated dog catcher trucks.) If you have any 3.75-pound packages of Minh Gourmet chicken egg rolls, or 11-ounce packages of Pagoda chicken or Pagoda pork and shrimp egg rolls, throw them out right away. Apparently, the company got a bunch of complaints from people who found little pieces of glass in their egg rolls. What, did someone on the production line accidentally drop his 40-ounce into the egg-roller? “Dude! Where'd my beer go?” As NMED's press release suggests, “anyone concerned about an injury from consumption of the products should contact a physician.” They don't need to mention you might also contact a lawyer. If I choke on a piece of glass in my pork and shrimp egg roll, you bet your corporate insurance policy I'm gonna be spraying bloody mucus all over my cellphone as I dial 1-800-LAWSUIT.

Can you eat a boatload of sushi? If you're one of those guys who could really save cash by giving up sushi and taking up a cocaine habit, then you should try Sushi and Sake, where all-you-can-eat costs $15 at lunch and $20 at dinner. Nob Hill's new sushi bar takes up part of the building otherwise occupied by the very tasty Korean BBQ House (3200 Central NW). Ordering a la carte is always allowed, but if you're going for the all-you-can-eat, then you've got two pages full of options and an hour in which to explore them. Edamame, tempura, miso soup, rolls, hand rolls and a small selection of ngiri are all fair game. Sushi and Sake may not have the best selection in town, but the location and pricing will probably keep this place in business for a long time. Call 338-2425 for hours and information.

Incidentally, I noticed (while reading the ads in this paper) that Sushi Gen (5210 San Mateo NE, 830-0131) also offers an all-you-can-eat sushi deal for the same price as Sushi and Sake. You Heights dwellers ought to check that place out. Sushi Gen is the only place I've ever eaten mackerel that didn't make me want to yack.

There’s a new brunch menu over at Ambrozia (Central and Rio Grande, 242-6560), and it includes a bacon-stuffed waffle that is indescribably good. They’ve also got a duck meatloaf that rests on a puddle of truffled cream corn that sends my drool level from dribble to drench. Oh and don't be surprised if chef/owner Sam Etheridge looks a little bleary-eyed when you compliment him on his crêpes; he just became a father. Sam's wife, Yvonne, served up a beautiful baby daughter two weeks ago. Cheers!

Be paid to get fat! If you have a tidbit of news that belongs in "The Dish," e-mail, call 346-0660 ext. 245 or fax 256-9651. The juiciest tidbits will be generously rewarded.

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