The Briefs

Jessica Cassyle Carr
3 min read
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The Alibi sat down at the computer last week and had a very compelling cyber-interview with former Albuquerquean Chris Brief of the Seattle band The Briefs.

Describe the sound, look, attitude, toughness, level of sexiness, etc. of a Brief.

On a scale of one to 10, I would say the average Brief falls somewhere around three. We haven’t hit bottom yet, but we’re working on it.

Your favorite activities and interests include:

Making Jell-O, eating Jell-O, puking up Jell-O; oh, and tennis.

One of you is rumored to be from Albuquerque. If so, what did you do here and why did you leave? Don’t you love it here?

I am from Albuquerque, and I like it all right. I was in a band called Blind Nine and also played in a band called the Young Adults. I worked, ate, lived and learned to play the drums at Fred's Bread and Bagel, which is no longer here. I left for the same reason everybody leaves Albuquerque; I had warrants and a lot of debt.

Your website indicates that you guys are selling skateboards made in real sweatshops. How do you live with yourselves?

In piles of money.

I detect a little animosity towards the U.S.A. Hey, what's that about?

I love this fine country and everything it stands for, doesn’t everyone?

What's with the bananas?

I was asked to keep the dirty talk and sexual innuendoes to a minimum. You’re not making that too easy. What’s with the bananas? What else are you supposed to dip in peanut butter?

Why is your new album Sex Objects so awesome?

Well, it isn’t really new. It’s been out for about a year now. We’ve just finished our latest record which will be called The Briefs Steal Yer Heart. It should be out in October on BYO Records. As for its awesomeness, I’m not really sure.

Ask yourself one question, please, then answer it.

Question: What ever happened to Albuquerque bands like The Hellcats, Kor Phu, Jerry’s Kids, Omen?

Answer: I wish I knew, they were all great bands. Maybe they’ll come out to the show and bring me some records.

Let's close with some Mad Libs. Please fill in the blanks:

The Briefs will fill up on as much Los Cuates as possible in Albuquerque on Tuesday. This show will be a blast because the Alibi says it will and because the Briefs intend to give away a free car to the first 100 people at the show and because all my old friends will come out. Right, Mike Bethkey, Berry and CC, Bryce and Alex, Simone, Marty and all the rest of ya lazy bastards?

The Briefs will wow the Launchpad crowd this Tuesday, July 26, with their homespun punk rock stylings. Doors open at 7 p.m. and tickets are $8. Go to for more info. Also there for your listening pleasure will be The Street Dogs (fronted by original cofounder of The Dropkick Murpheys, Mike McColgen), Albuquerque's own The Gracchi and Santa Fe's The Sex Boys.

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