Sonic Reducer

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Consider putting on Ya Ya Boom Project's Pink Insides before beginning any number of grueling tasks. Whether it's competing in a triathlon or pulling mysterious chunks of hair from your shower drain, Pink Insides will give you the burst of energy you need to complete your endeavor in no time. The record gets most of its mileage from Marisa Demarco's vibrato-heavy vocals that are two parts Gwen Stefani and one part Agent M from Tsunami Bomb. At its core, Pink Insides is a clunker-free album of immediately gratifying and resourceful pop music.

The Delta Devils Poolside (Snake Tone Records)

Swingin' rhythm guitar, walking bass lines and killer harmonica make The Delta Devils a formidable local blues quartet. Unfortunately, Poolside was recorded live at the Albuquerque Hilton and, I hate to say, it shows. “Sleepy Boy” Tony Brown's vocals sound a little tinny and there are some noticeably sloppy transitions. Still, the stirring instrumental jams make tapping your toe impossible to avoid and, if you can tune out the crowd chattering in the background, you may find yourself in a very fine groove.

OneDOWN Through Sick and Sin (Napalm Dog Records)

OneDOWN has some key pieces to the successful metal band puzzle in place. Through Sick and Sin blends elements of a young Korn with vocal work evocative of System of a Down. That said, there is room for growth within One Down's musical framework. Their powerchord-reliant guitar parts are a bit contrived and their lyrical content is somewhat childish. The potential is there, but metal heads might be wise to wait until One Down's next release when they've found more of their own voice.

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