Dance Disaster Movement

With Kill Me Tomorrow, Veronica Lipgloss And The Evil Eyes, And Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Monday, August 8; The Launchpad (21 and older): If the world were taken over by robots, and heaven knows it won't be long now, Dance Disaster Movement's assertively pulsating tracks would be prominently featured on the robots' iTunes party shuffle. Before that charming postapocalyptic scenario occurs, however, DDM has plenty to offer the ears of the human race as well. Somewhere between the Clash on a very bad acid trip and a break-beat fueled rave, DDM pumps out aggressively danceable music that would make even the most docile of crowds want to haphazardly flail their limbs about. Hey! Those could be your limbs if you stop by the Launchpad on Monday, when DDM plays a 21-and-over show. Joining DDM at the ’pad' is “noir wave” trio Kill Me Tomorrow. KMT is one of those bands that, much like a Jackson Pollock painting, draws criticism for not really being art. Upon a second, third or maybe fourth listen, however, a discerning ear will find that KMT's highly abrasive cacophony of effects pedals, drums, synthesized keyboards and various other disharmonious sounds can definitely be considered musical art. Heck, you can even dance to it, if you don't mind throwing your back out. KMT isn't just about fast-paced, murderous electronic rock, though. They can bring it down several notches on songs like “Liason” that have a much less chaotic and almost, dare I say, pop-ish feel. So go on and shake off those Monday blues. All I ask is you dance responsibly.

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