The Posies

With The Deathray Davies And The Mindy Set

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Monday, Sept. 12; The Launchpad (21-and-older), $8: After a six-year hiatus, The Posies found themselves in a recording studio in February of 2004 with three weeks to put together a full-length release. The fruits of their labor came in the form of 2005's Every Kind of Light, a beautifully crafted, 12-song LP with a level of quality that gives no indication of the album's rushed construction. EKOL most definitely does not leave the band's past work in the dust. But The Posies are careful to avoid the treacherous path traveled by some bands that erroneously cling to a past that no longer holds any creative nectar (I'm looking at you, Sonic Youth). The band takes the playfully distraught tone of Nada Surf, and combines it with Elliot Smith-ish vocals and Weezer-esque guitar to produce eccentric tracks that never lose their pop presence. The Posies are the type of musical outfit that would get their fair share of radio play if we had more than one decent goddamn radio station in this state (KUNM can only carry so much of the burden). But never mind the lack of airtime; your chance to hear The Posies live arrives on Monday. The 21-and-older show at the Launchpad will also feature Albuquerque's The Mindy Set, whose songs should complement The Posies new, more indie sound quite nicely.

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