One For Hope Cd Release Party

With Over It, Someday And Lydia

Jessica Cassyle Carr
2 min read
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Friday, Nov. 11, 6 p.m.; Launchpad (all-ages): One For Hope releases a new CD today. With a little help from the Alibi, they're here to tell you all about it.

What’s your CD’s title? Where did you record, how long did it take, etc.?

Our CD is called Related to Roses; it’s a five-song EP. We recorded the whole thing up in Santa Fe at Stepbridge with the incredible Tim Stroh. We recorded the first four tracks in July of this year. The fifth track, “Being Josh Malkovich,” was recorded back in April for the Rock Outside The Box Vol. 2 compilation, which is actually when we first met everyone at Stepbridge.

What’s your collective favorite local band and why?

The Coma Recovery and Your Name In Lights. All of those guys are like brothers to us. We used to practice in the same building for a year or so. We’ve learned a lot from them and we just have a lot of respect for them as musicians and people.

Why screamo? Why not New Age? Or straight-up metal?

I don’t think we’re screamo. We’re just indie rock … somewhere between Bob Dylan and At The Drive-In. We work hard at what we do and try to produce a tasteful sound that a wide range of people can enjoy.

Do you guys have a bunch of groupies?

Not so much. As it turns out, dropping out of college and playing shows in bars isn’t as attractive as it seems.

How do you feel about fish sticks?

When in Rome!

How do you feel about Kip Winger?

We don’t feel about Kip Winger.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Stay classy, Duke City.

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