What'S Your Food Iq?

Jennifer Wohletz
1 min read
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1. What is the name of the reaction that causes onions to change colors when cooked and turns the natural sulfurs into sugars?
A. The Pavlov reaction
B. The Maillard reaction
C. The Brown reaction
D. The Anthocyanin reaction

2. The flavor of mushrooms is caused by this naturally-occurring acid:
A. sulfuric acid
B. salicylic acid
C. glutamic acid
D. lysergic acid

3. Green spots on potatoes are caused by overexposure to which element?
A. heat
B. air
C. cold
D. light

4. What percentage of beef cows in the United States are given growth hormones?
A. 40 percent
B. 50 percent
C. 70 percent
D. 90 percent

5. In what year were potato chips invented?
A. 1853
B. 1872
C. 1904
D. 1927

Milk your food knowledge for fabulous prizes: turn to the next page to learn how.

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