Demolition Doll Rods

With The Dirty Novels And The Roxie Harts

Simon McCormack
2 min read
Demolition Doll Rods
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Monday, May 22, Burt’s Tiki Lounge (21-and-over); free: The Demolition Doll Rods’ “Take You Home” ( There is a Difference , Swami, 2006) is like a hard punch in the gut that’s equal parts love and raw power. Fisticuffs aside, there is something strangely polite about the grimey soulfulness that permeates the Demolition Dolls’ Detroit Rock City revelings. They’re not out to make your ears bleed, just to wake you up a little with a hard slap on the back; trying to keep you from choking on too much geniality.

“The Thump,” (as its name suggests) pounds deep into your chest cavity with Tia Doll Rod’s primal drumming. There’s also some Frank Black and Kim Deal-esque back and forth between singer/songwriter and rhythm guitarist Margaret Doll Rod and lead guitarist Danny Doll Rod, in which Danny boldly croons, “I’m gonna tell you this story ‘bout this … little girl” which prompts Margaret to beg, “Come on, tell us, tell us, come on. … Tell us, please!” The whole song is a four-minute slice of perfunctory rock ’n’ roll passion that’s as cute as it is masochistic.

The Doll Rods’ whole package is tied together with an assortment of playful and often sexually suggestive outfits which feature anything from Speedos to S&M garb to classy dresses and more formal attire. See them with local acts The Dirty Novels and The Roxie Harts at Burt’s Tiki Lounge this Monday. Feel free to dress classy or trashy.
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