A Family Affair

Add Some Personality To Your Annual Wienie Roast

Maren Tarro
2 min read
(Rex Barron)
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Damn. Just as you start to relax after making it through Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, yet another less-than-meaningful holiday is upon us. The Fourth of July and all its quasi-patriotic entailments are giving you the stink eye. It’s time to scrape last year’s gunk off the grill, knock the dust off the mismatched patio furniture and fill your Frigidaire with cheap beer.

So this year, let’s pledge to serve food that is just as colorful as the people who will be eating it. You know what I’m talking about. Every holiday cookout brings together those people we wish we didn’t know: our families. That strange hodgepodge of personalities that throws to the wind everything we know about genetics will be gathered in our backyards, setting off more fireworks than the local amusement park and eating everything in sight. For your amusement and pleasure we have put together the finest offerings from those all too common family types that will be lowering the bar at your star-spangled shindig.

A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast

Rex Barron

Rex Barron

Rex Barron

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