Easy Bake

Fake Your Way To A Trio Of Comfy Desserts

Laura Marrich
2 min read
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There's something about winter that makes my domestic instincts kick into overdrive. Namely, I clean more than usual—which is to say, more than not at all—and I get the cajones to bake things I'd never consider at other times of the year. Buches de Nöel, cookies, bars, homemade high-protein chocolate cake. But here's a secret: I'm a terrible baker. I just don't have the temperament for it, nor the attention to detail, the exactness or the 400-level math skills it requires. Other cooks I know share the same attitude.

They'd rather just get baked.

In any case, may I suggest some creamy puddings and custards instead? The smooth, sweetened mixture of milk and eggs makes for a comforting end to sturdy winter meals, yet it requires no yeast to rise, no flour to sift. It's more cooking than baking, and you can cook, can't you? If you're pressed for time, these puddings can be covered with a sheet of plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to two days. Blot chilled puddings very gently with paper towels before serving.

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