Feed Reader: Greatest Sips, An Anothology Of Writing On Beer

Greatest Sips

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In the six years since we starting doing food and beer writing, our conduits have been many: Internet, video, independent newspaper, radio, catering, hanging out, bike rides, beer tastings and various other bamboozley boons. It’s time to add another notch to the gun.

We bring you
Greatest Sips , our first full-fledged book, containing 21 of our favorite pieces of beer writing in the history of our drinking careers. Printed one at a time by our friends up north at Publication Studios, this book-length zine comes with a radical bookmark and a secret URL where you can hear songs to go with each of these beers! Courtesy of our rad partners at States Rights Records!

Would Be Hater: "But wait … can’t I just look at past entries online and save my hard-earned cash amid the crumbling of modern capitalism?"

Us: "Yawn."

No, no, no, people; don’t debase yourself with the ideology of the now ubiquitous free downloader. This is your chance to have and hold our deranged beer writing in your hands, whether on the toilet or curled up in bed. Rip off our cheese pairings. Give it to your boyfriend for Valentine’s Day (dudes are easy). Just remember that the fate of the printed word, while easily replicated and distributed in cyberspace via clicks and drags, is a precious commodity; its physical reproduction is a potentially dying art.

For years, we’ve been your humble guides in a world of bubbles and foam, bitterness and darkness. Now we can reside tactilely in your pocket or satchel on trips to bars and beer stores; when you reach the limits of your 3G network; or when you drop your phone in the ocean. Inspirational beer prose and wholly legit beer-and-cheese pairings at the flip of a page?

We’re the app for that!

$15 softcover; $10 PDF download at publicationstudio.biz/books

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