Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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The local firefighters of Station 15 got a sweet surprise from Olive Garden on Labor Day: A free meal! It’s part of a nationwide effort to deliver and serve food to local community heroes. Olive Garden’s been doing it for 15 years. Impressive.
Someone stole the Micro Doughnuts food truck out its owners’ driveway last week. Thankfully, a few Facebook posts from local fans led them to the stolen truck’s location: Under a tree in southwest ABQ. The truck was undamaged, according to the owner.
Galloping Grace Youth Ranch’s Food Recovery Program just received a $5,000 grant from Waste Management. They’re operation—which takes food waste and less-than-fresh produce and feeds it to local cattle, diverting the food from becoming trash—will certainly benefit from the boost, meaning a little less waste is on the horizon.
The classic Fair ‘N’ Square Food Store—featured in the movie, Sunshine Cleaning and the tv show, “Preacher,” and an icon of ABQ—will officially be closing Sept. 24. Things fall apart, I guess.
Peter Piper Pizza is rebranding, and ABQ gets to be the testing ground. The company says the new location, at Atrisco Plaza (4010 Central NW), is focusing on food and parental comfort. What a novel idea.
The restaurateurs behind Torino’s at Home are now working on a new project: Eclectic Urban Pizzeria & Tap House (2119 Menaul NE). Rather than a “fancy” pizza, the owners wanted to make a more relaxed, casual experience this time around.