Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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The Crown Room’s Appreciation Dinner & Wine Tasting is happening this Thursday, Apr. 20 at the Downs. Expect seven courses, each paired with a fine wine! It’s $49 a diner, and the party starts at 6pm.
Speaking of wine: Make-A-Wish New Mexico is hoping to raise $100,000 to grant 20 wishes for New Mexico children at the fifth Wine & Wishes fundraiser. Buy some liquid courage to help some kids? Sounds like my kind of charity. The event is happening Friday, April 21, from 6-9:30pm. Tickets are $50 a person.
The $15 million El Vado motel renovation project is under construction and currently looking for some businesses to be food vendors in its "food pods." Sounds creepy, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Still not sure exactly what Food Tours New Mexico is all about? Check out this profile the Albuquerque Journal wrote up for them.
Chama River Brewing Company (4939 Pan American West NE) apparently know just how to pair their snacks with the right beer.
The famous Slapfish restaurant is setting its sights on N.M. with two new locations planned for ABQ. No leases have been finalized, but the owners say they want to open the first one in October.