Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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Santa Ana Star Casino has some big plans for the coming years, including the replacement of Sadie’s New Mexican restaurant on the casino floor with a new casino-owned restaurant: the Cantina Rio.
Lowe’s grocery stores in ABQ and Santa Fe just kicked off their “double up food bucks” program last month. That means if you have SNAP benefits, you can go there right now and get two for the price of one on fresh local produce.
Last year, a local Chili’s restaurant collected donations for a woman who was carjacked in ABQ. That sounds really nice, but the cash never actually made it to the victim for some reason. Chili’s has subsequently made good on the deal and given her more than was originally donated, but you have to ask: What happened in the first place?
This Saturday, May 6, the New Mexico Brewers Guild is bringing 20 breweries to descend upon Las Cruces’ Main Street—where they will stand as an occupational army between 5 and 9pm. The operation is called “Blazin’ Brewfest.” You’ve been warned.
So get this: Santa Fe voters said, “Hell, no,” to the soda tax last Tuesday, May 2. Does that seem shocking? It’s hard to tell anymore.
Check out this Foodtank piece about the gardening techniques of the local green thumbs working at the Spruce Park Community Garden.